Штрафы в области дорожного движения: Новая таблица штрафов ГИБДД 2020 года (полная)
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Проверка штрафов ГИБДД
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Наш сервис предоставляет максимум доступной информации по штрафам, включая фотоматериалы и место нарушения. Вы увидите эту информацию при просмотре карточки штрафа, после совершения проверки.
Фотоматериалы нарушений
Фотоматериалы нарушений — снимки, сделанные приборами автоматической фиксации, при совершении нарушения. Такие снимки присутствуют только у штрафов, выписанных на транспортное средство. Обратите внимание, что фотоматериалы доступны только при указании верного государственного номера транспортного средства при проверке штрафов и при условии что эта информация доступна в государственных базах штрафов.

Место нарушения
Если информация о месте нарушения доступна в государственных базах штрафов, мы показываем точный адрес по которому произошло нарушение. Если эта информация недоступна, мы отображаем город, основываясь на названии подразделения ГИБДД, выписавшего штраф.

К сожалению, наш сервис не влияет на полноту доступных сведений в источниках информации о штрафах, тем не менее мы каждый день работаем над расширением базы источников информации, чтобы предоставлять все возможные сведения о ваших штрафах.
Проверка штрафов ГИБДД
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Как получить диагностическую карту для ОСАГО в 2020 году
Диагностическая карта обеспечивает безопасность водителя и остальных участников движения. На техосмотре у машины проверяют все узлы и агрегаты, если что-то не работает — отправляют исправлять. На основе карты выдают полис ОСАГО. Рассказываем, как получить диагностическую карту, когда можно обойтись без нее и как проверить подлинность.
Правила перевозки детей в автомобиле в 2020 году: новые ПДД
Правила перевозки детей спасают жизни. Если водитель их не соблюдает, инспектор ГИБДД может его оштрафовать. Рассказываем, когда использовать детские удерживающие устройства, как перевозить в машине новорожденного и детей других возрастных групп.
За что могут лишить водительских прав в 2020 году: причины, виды нарушений, сроки
Чаще всего водителей лишают прав, когда они садятся за руль нетрезвыми, отказываются от медосвидетельствования или уезжают с места ДТП. Такое наказание возможно и за обычное превышение скорости. Мы собрали все нарушения в одну таблицу и рассказываем, кто и как лишают прав, как водителю оспорить лишение и вернуть права.
Инструкция, что делать если оплаченный штраф ГИБДД передали приставам в ФССП
Если не оплатить штраф ГИБДД за 60 дней, дело передадут приставам, а затем в суд. Бывает, что штраф оплачен, но все равно приходит письмо от приставов. Скорее всего, ошибся человек или машина. Рассказываем, куда обращаться, как прекратить исполнительное производство, вернуть лишние взыскания и оплачивать ли сам штраф ГИБДД.
Архив новостей 90000 Traffic fines discount in UAE 90001 90002 Sunday 12 July 2020 (UAE) 90003 90002 Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources. 90003 90006 Traffic fine discounts in Dubai and UAE 90007 90002 List of traffic fine discount news and announcements for Abu Dhabi, Dubai, RAK, Sharjah, and other emirates in the UAE.Information about discounts on traffic fines and penalties in the UAE. See also: List of traffic fines. 90003 90010 Up to 100% traffic fine discounts in Dubai 2019-2020 90011 90002 «Traffic Fines Settlement» scheme announced by Dubai Police in Feb 2019. Summary in this table. More explanation below larger table of UAE traffic fine announcements. 90003 90002 07 Nov 2019: Dubai Police announced that phase III of the discount scheme had started. Meaning that drivers who had committed no offences (except minor ones) since 07 Feb 2019 would have discount on outstanding fines from before 07 Feb 2019 updated to 75%.After 07 Feb 2020 року, if they still have a clean record, the discount will be upgraded to 100% (phase IV). Reference: twitter.com/DubaiPoliceHQ/status/1192361944067559425. 90003 90016 90017 Dubai traffic fine discounts 2019-2020 (updated) 90018 90019 90020 Discount 90021 90020 During payment (registration) dates 90021 90020 If no offences during * 90021 90020 Or * 90021 90020 Notes 90021 90030 90019 90020 25% 90021 90034 07 May to 06 Aug 2019 90035 90034 07 Feb to 06 May 2019 90035 90034 01 Feb to 01 May 2019 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90020 50% 90021 90034 07 Aug to 06 Nov 2019 90035 90034 07 Feb to 06 Aug 2019 90035 90034 01 Feb to 01 Aug 2019 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90020 75% 90021 90034 07 Nov 2019 to 06 Feb 2020 90035 90034 07 Feb to 06 Nov 2019 90035 90034 01 Feb to 01 Nov 2019 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90020 100% 90021 90034 90071 06 or 07 Feb 2020 until [date not given]? 90072 90035 90034 07 Feb 2019 to 06 Feb 2020 90035 90034 01 Feb to 01 Feb 2020 90035 90034 90035 90030 90081 90002 * Dubai Police announcement was on 06 Feb 2019 (ref FB, UAE newspapers), however, a Dubai Police graphic published on FB said «90071… and does not commit any violations for a full calendar year starting from 1 February 2019 90072 «. 90003 90002 Aug 2019> Nov 2019: Some minor fines will be ignored for calculating discount. The Dubai Police Assistant Chief, Major-General Engineer Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen, said «90071 We can not waste the effort of a motorist who has been committed to six months since the initiative was launched, when he is close to get a 50 per cent discount on his fines because of a minor violation 90072 «, but which fines were not specified.It should show in your traffic record. Reference: KT 07 Nov 2019, www.khaleejtimes.com/uae/dubai/3-months-to-go-for-100-discount-on-traffic-fines. 90003 90010 Traffic fine discounts in the UAE 90011 90002 Dubai 100% discount traffic fine system might be implemented in all UAE emirates according to the UAE Federal Traffic Council Chairman and Dubai Police Assistant Commander-in-Chief, Major-General Engineer Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen, who said «90071 If convinced, the council will recommend it to the Ministry of Interior for its approval on an implementation across all of the UAE 90072 «.Reference: TN, 22 Aug 2019, www.thenational.ae/uae/dubai-s-traffic-fine-discount-scheme-may-go-uae-wide-1.901494. 90003 90096 90097 Traffic police authorities in the UAE occasionally announce a discount on outstanding traffic fines. Sometimes during Ramadan or on UAE National Day but this is not a consistent special offer. The discounts started after a decree was announced in Jul 2010 permitting the traffic and police departments in the UAE to offer discounts. There is not an exact formula regarding when, where, or to whom the fines discount applies but usually discounts apply to: 90096 90097 all UAE residents (both expat and Emirati), unless limited to residents of a specified emirate (s).90100 90097 cars registered anywhere in the UAE, unless limited to cars registered in a specific emirate (s). 90100 90097 fines only issued by the traffic police authority making the announcement, e.g. in Dubai by the Dubai Police. 90100 90105 90100 90097 We are not aware of any discounts with restrictions based on nationality (so far). 90100 90097 The RTA in Dubai, Sharjah RTA, Abu Dhabi DOT, Dubai Municipality (DM) have not (so far) given any discounts on fines issued by them.They are the authorities which issue parking fines, public transport fines, etc. The traffic police issue speeding and other driving related fines, parking fines if you are blocking traffic, etc. 90100 90105 90010 List of traffic fines discount announcements in the UAE 90011 90096 90097 Generally, discount amounts and payment periods apply to penalties depending on the emirate in which they were issued, not the emirate the driver or car comes from, however, some discounts are also restricted to residents or vehicles registered in the emirate which offers the discount (e.g. February 2019 announcement by Dubai Police). 90100 90097 Fees or fines paid in lieu of car impound periods are usually included in discount offers, at least in Dubai. But do not always count on it. 90100 90105 90016 90017 List of traffic fine discounts announced in the UAE 90018 90019 90020 Date 90125 announced 90021 90020 Discount 90125 amount 90021 90020 Emirate 90021 90020 Residence or 90125 registration 90021 90020 For fines 90125 issued in / by 90021 90020 Issued 90125 before 90021 90020 Payment dates 90125 applicable 90021 90020 Notes 90021 90030 90019 90034 28 Nov 2019 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 Fujairah 90035 90034 All UAE 90035 90034 Fujairah 90035 90034 30 Nov 2019 90035 90034 02 Dec 2019 to 02 Feb 2020 90035 90034 Announced by Fujairah Police 90035 90030 90019 90034 90071 [Fake] Nov 2019 90072 90035 90034 90071 50% 90072 90035 90034 90071 Dubai 90072 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90071 Rumour, denied by Dubai Police 90072 90035 90030 90019 90034 90071 2019 Oct 22 90072 90035 90034 90071 50% 90072 90035 90034 90071 Sharjah 90072 90035 90034 90071 All UAE probably 90072 90035 90034 90071 SHJ only 90072 90035 90034 90071 21 Oct 2019 90072 90035 90034 90071 22 Oct 2019 to 31 Jan 2020 90072 90035 90034 90071 Not SRTA parking.See notes. 90072 90035 90030 90019 90034 90071 2019 Oct 21 90072 90035 90034 90071 25% 90072 90035 90034 90071 AUH 90072 90035 90034 90071 any UAE 90072 90035 90034 90071 AUH tolls 90072 90035 90034 90071 indefinite? 90072 90035 90034 90071 within 30 days of issue date 90072 90035 90034 90071 Only for AUH toll gate fines. 90072 90035 90030 90019 90034 2019 Mar 04 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 Ajman 90035 90034 any UAE? 90035 90034 Ajman 90035 90034 31 Dec 2018 90035 90034 After 01 Jul 2019 but only if… 90035 90034 … no fines issued Jan-Jun 2019 90035 90030 90019 90034 2019 Feb 06 90035 90034 25% -100% 90035 90034 Dubai 90035 90034 90285 DXB registration 90286 90035 90034 Dubai Police 90035 90034 90035 90034 See notes 90035 90034 Parking, Salik excluded 90035 90030 90019 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 90071 [Fake] 2018 Dec 90072 90035 90034 90071 50% 90072 90035 90034 90071 Sharjah 90072 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90071 Oct 2017 news repeated 90072 90035 90030 90019 90034 90071 2018 Oct 03 90072 90035 90034 90071 30% 90072 90035 90034 90071 RAK 90072 90035 90034 90071 any? 90072 90035 90034 90071 RAK Police 90072 90035 90034 90071 11 Jul 2018? 90072 90035 90034 90071 07 Oct 2018 to 30 Nov 2018 90072 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2017 Dec 02 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 all 90035 90034 all UAE emirates 90035 90034 all UAE 90035 90034 02 Dec 2017 90035 90034 2017-12-02 to 2018-03-01 90035 90034 UAE National Day 90035 90030 90019 90034 2017 Nov 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 Fujairah 90035 90034 any? 90035 90034 police in FUJ 90035 90034 20-11-2017 90035 90034 2017-11-25 to 2018-01-04 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2017 Oct 18 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 Sharjah 90035 90034 any 90035 90034 Sharjah 90035 90034 18 Oct 2017 90035 90034 2017-10-18 to 2018-02-28 90035 90034 Black points also cancelled.90035 90030 90019 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2015 Dec 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 UAQ 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 03-12-2015 to 02-01-2016 90035 90034 Oct 2015 news extended 90035 90030 90019 90034 2015 Oct 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 UAQ 90035 90034 any UAE 90035 90034 UAQ only 90035 90034 in 2015 році? 90035 90034 18-10-2015 to 03-12-2015 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2013 Jun 13 90035 90034 none 90035 90034 Dubai 90035 90034 90035 90034 Dubai Police 90035 90034 in 2013 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2013 Apr 02 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 Sharjah 90035 90034 90035 90034 Sharjah 90035 90034 90035 90034 07-04-2013 to 06-08-2013 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2013 Oct 01 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 UAQ 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 01-10-2013 90035 90034 01-10-2013 to 02-12-2013 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2012 Jan 10 90035 90034 40% (30%) 90035 90034 Dubai 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 extended to 2012-01-10 90035 90034 RTA, Salik excluded 90035 90030 90019 90034 90071 2012 Jan 10 90072 90035 90034 90071 50%? 90072 90035 90034 90071 AUH 90072 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90071 Not confirmed 90072 90035 90030 90019 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2011 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 UAQ 90035 90034 90035 90034 UAQ 90035 90034 27-11-2011 90035 90034 up to 31 Dec 2011 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2011 Dec 29 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 Ajman 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 end 2011 90035 90034 01-01-2012 to 28-02-2012 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2011 Dec 29 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 Sharjah 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 27-12-2011 90035 90034 01-01-2012 to 30-04-2012 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2011 Nov 30 90035 90034 40% -50% 90035 90034 RAK 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 end (?) 2011 90035 90034 01-01-2012 to 30-04-2012 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2011 Sep 08 90035 90034 30% 90035 90034 Dubai 90035 90034 90035 90034 Dubai 90035 90034 09-09-2011 90035 90034 11-09-2011 to 11-12-2011 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2011 Aug 01 90035 90034 90035 90034 Dubai 90035 90034 90035 90034 Dubai Police 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 Details coming later 90035 90030 90019 90034 2011 Jul 29 90035 90034 90035 90034 Dubai 90035 90034 90035 90034 Dubai Police 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 Details coming later 90035 90030 90019 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90034 90035 90030 90019 90034 2010 Jul 02 90035 90034 <50% 90035 90034 UAE 90035 90034 varies 90035 90034 varies 90035 90034 varies 90035 90034 varies 90035 90034 Decree 400/2010 90035 90030 90019 90034 2010 Jun 27 90035 90034 50% 90035 90034 AUH 90035 90034 any UAE 90035 90034 AUH only 90035 90034? 90035 90034? 90035 90034 90035 90030 90081 90002 90003 90010 Discounts on traffic fines in UAE 90011 90096 90097 ✓ 02 Jul 2010 - traffic departments in all UAE emirates could allow a discount of up to 50% on traffic fine payments according to ministerial decree No.400/2010, issued by Lieutenant General Shaikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deput 90100 90105.90000 Pay Traffic Fines - Cellphone Banking 90001 Pay Traffic Fines - Cellphone Banking - FNB 90002 What would you like to do? 90003 .90000 Pay traffic fines quickly and easily online 90001 90002 90003 If you are paying using Absa Online 90004 90005 90006 90007 90008 Log in to Absa Online as usual and select 'Payments' from the menu at the top of your screen 90009 90008 Select 'Pay Traffic Fines' on the left of your screen 90009 90008 Enter the random verification number that is sent to your cell phone 90009 90008 Provide the reference number on your traffic fine and follow the rest of the prompts to pay your fine 90004 90009 90017 90002 90003 If you are paying using Cell phone Banking 90005 90004 90006 90007 90008 Log in to Cell phone Banking as usual and select 'Payments' and then 'Pay traffic fines' 90009 90008 Provide the reference number on your traffic fine before selecting which account you wish to pay the fine from 90009 90008 Confirm that the payment details you have provided are correct and pay the fine 90009 90017 90002 90003 If you are paying using Telephone Banking 90005 90004 90006 90007 90008 Call us and provide the agent with reference number on your traffic fine 90009 90008 Tell the agent which account you wish to pay the fine from and they will confirm whether the payment has been processed 90004 90009 90017 90002 90003 If you are paying at an ATM 90005 90006 90007 90008 Once you have inserted your card and entered your PIN number, select 'other transactions' 90009 90008 Under 'Payments' select 'other payments' and then 'traffic fine payments' 90009 90008 Enter the reference number on your traffic fine and confirm that the number is correct 90009 90008 Confirm that the payment details you have provided are correct and select which account you wish to pay the fine from, before paying the fine 90004 90009 90017 90002 90003 If you are paying at a branch 90005 90006 90007 90008 Fill out an Absa transfer slip and include the reference number on your traffic fine 90009 90008 Hand the teller the slip, together with your Identity Document, and your payment will be processed 90009 90017 .90000 Dubai Police traffic fine enquiry payment 90001 90002 Sunday 12 July 2020 (UAE) 90003 90002 Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources. 90003 90006 Police traffic department fines enquiry and payment in UAE 90007 90002 UAE and Dubai Police traffic department fine enquiry and payment system, information about black points and paying fines for parking, speeding, and radar tickets, and other traffic offences online.The Dubai Police website has an online traffic fine checking facility, and payment option with credit cards. Fine enquiry and payment for Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and other UAE emirates. Or pay fines through the Dubai Police or Ministry of Interior (MOI) smartphone apps. See also: 90003 90010 Dubai Police Traffic Department fines enquiry and payment 90011 90002 Direct link to online checking and payment for traffic violations, penalties, and fines, should be: 90003 90014 RTA traffic fines 90015 90002 Content moved to RTA fines page.90003 90014 Online fine payment system in Dubai 90015 90002 90021 Sep 2000 - Dubai traffic police launched an online fine payment system on their website at www.dxbtraffic.gov.ae (update, website not available, use www.dubaipolice.gov.ae instead). Payment by credit card only. 90022 90003 90010 Abu Dhabi traffic fine enquiry and payment system 90011 90026 90027 es.adpolice.gov.ae/trafficservices/FinesPublic/Inquiry.aspx?Culture=en - link to Abu Dhabi Police traffic fine enquiries.Log in not required but for payment might need to register. Last checked Mar 2019. 90028 90027 Same page different links for the Federal Unified Fine System - emirates of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain (UAQ). Does not work so well for Dubai fines and licence holders - use the RTA or Dubai Police website. 90028 90031 90010 Sharjah traffic fine enquiry and payment system 90011 90026 90027 Direct link: www.shjpolice.gov.ae/eservice/en/AppTrafficFinesMOI.aspx (checked May 2017). Same as Abu Dhabi Police page but is not secure (http, not https), so use the AUH link instead. 90028 90027 Navigation: Home> eServices> Traffic Fines. 90028 90027 [Fail, May 2017] www.shjpolice.gov.ae/en/appTrafficFinesMOI.aspx (same as the Abu Dhabi Police enquiry page). 90028 90031 90010 Paying and checking traffic fines in the UAE 90011 90026 90027 From December 2007 you should be able to pay online by credit card (delayed from original plan in 2000).For payment, you’ll need the traffic file number from your car registration card, and your passport number. Dubai Police website says online payment is only available for «90021 customers within the United Arab Emirates 90022». Update (unknown date of change): you should be able to pay without passport number and traffic file number. 90028 90027 Website can be checked for RTA, Salik Dubai, Dubai Municipality, police and traffic fines from Abu Dhabi (includes Al Ain), Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain (UAQ).90028 90027 Enquiries can be made with any of the following: Traffic Code number, Traffic File number, Driving License number, Vehicle Licence Plate number, or Fine Notice number. 90028 90027 Any black points awarded should also show up when making a fine enquiry. 90028 90031 90002 You do not get sent any notification of traffic infringements by mail. To check if you have fines and black points: 90003 90026 90027 Check online at the Dubai Police website as detailed above.90028 90027 Register your vehicle details and driving licence on the Dubai Police website to receive automatic SMS and email notifications of traffic fines as they occur (or a few days later). 90028 90027 Visit one of the fine checking and payment machines in some of the shopping malls (they look like ATMs). 90028 90027 Android or Apple smartphone apps for Dubai Police or UAE Ministry of Interior (MOI). 90028 90027 You could also try going to the Dubai police traffic department or an RTA traffic licencing office in person to check and pay fines, but that might not work as well as one of the other methods — it seems to be an unusual thing to do so the officials at the counter look a bit funny at you.When we tried we were told the fines could not be found and we should wait until car registration time to pay for them (even though on the back of the fine notice it said pay within 7 days). 90028 90031 90010 Traffic fine instalment payments, Abu Dhabi Police, Dubai Police and RTA 90011 90002 Update 2014 року, 2016 2017, 2018, 2019: Some banks offer credit card instalment plans for fine payments, interest-free, usually over 3, 6, 9, or 12 months. Most are for fines issued by one or more of Dubai Police, Dubai RTA, Abu Dhabi Police.Installment applications usually need to be made through one of the traffic authority websites or apps. First one announced was in 2014 for Emirates NBD credit card holders to pay Dubai Police traffic fines? 90003 90026 90027 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB): Abu Dhabi Police, Dubai Police, Dubai RTA. 90028 90027 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB): Abu Dhabi Police. 90028 90027 Commercial Bank International (CBI): Dubai Police, Dubai RTA. 90028 90027 Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB): Dubai RTA.90028 90027 Emirates Islamic Bank: Abu Dhabi Police, Dubai Police, Dubai RTA. 90028 90027 Emirates NBD: Dubai Police, Dubai RTA. 90028 90027 FAB (First Abu Dhabi Bank, merger of NBAD and FGB in 2019): Abu Dhabi Police, Dubai Police. 90028 90027 [See FAB] First Gulf Bank: Dubai Police. 90028 90027 Mashreq Bank: Abu Dhabi Police, Dubai RTA. 90028 90027 Noor Bank: Dubai Police, Dubai RTA. 90028 90027 Standard Chartered: Dubai Police.90028 90031 90002 90021 Previous information … 90022 90003 90002 Paying fines by cheque installments is possible for Dubai RTA fines but only for Dubai registered vehicles, minimum amount AED 5,000 for private owners, AED 20,000 for company vehicles. 90003 90002 According to a Gulf News Dubai report 26 January 2010, Dubai drivers can p 90003.